Microbiological Identification

E.g. fermentation of various sugars (carbohydrates). Morphology and cultural characters may not be able to distinguish some species of bacteria; but these same species may exhibit distinct differences in their biochemical reactions e.g. typhoid and paratyphoid bacilli (glucose and mannitol are fermented without gas production by typhoid bacilli, whereas paratyphoid bacilli produce acid and gas).

Certain serotypes of the salmonella group may resemble one another in fermentation properties.

The growth of the bacteria in liquid medium will ferment particular sugars (glucose, lactose, mannitol) with the production of acid, which is detected by the changes of colour of Andrade’s indicator dye incorporated in the medium; the gas production is detected by the collection of air bubble in a small inverted tube (Durham’s tube) immersed in the medium.

Other tests are used to find out the ability of a bacterium to produce particular end products e.g Indole, hydrogen sulphide, nitrite and certain enzymes (oxidase, catalase, urease, gelatinase, collagenase, lecithinase, lipase) in culture media.

Product Range for Microbilogical Identification:

Catalogue Product Applications
74156 A.F. Genital System A.F. GENITAL SYSTEM is a 24-well system containing desiccated biochemical and antibiotic substrates for detection, presumptive identification and susceptibility test of microorganisms from urogenital specimens. The system also provides a semi-quantitative assessment of the presence of urogenital mycoplasmas (Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasma urealyticum).
The system is inoculated with the suspension of the clinical sample and incubated at 36±1 °C for 18-24 hours. The tests used in the detection, count and presumptive identification of the microorganisms and for the susceptibility test of the urogenital mycoplasmas in the sample are interpreted by assessing the change in colour of the various wells and performing a microscope
71670 Copro System COPRO SYSTEM is a 24-well system containing 12 x 2 desiccated biochemical substrata for direct microbial identification of pathogenic microorganisms from faecal samples such as: Salmonella spp., Proteus spp. Pseudomonas spp., Yersinia spp., Shigella spp., Campylobacter jejunii, Escherichia coli, E.coli O157, KES Group (Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Serratia), Candida spp. Each system allows the performance of 2 tests and is inoculated directly with the suspension of the sample and incubated at 36±1 °C for 18-24 hours. The tests for detection and microbial identification are interpreted by assessing the colour change of the various wells and confirmed with immunoserological tests and microscopic observation.
71675 Copro System Plus COPRO SYSTEM Plus is a 18 wells system containing desiccated biochemical substrata for the detection, presumptive identification of microorganisms from fecal samples (fecal culture). The system is inoculated with the suspension of the specimen and incubated at 36±1°C for 18-24 hours. The tests for the detection and presumptive identification of microorganisms present in the specimen are interpreted by evaluating the color change in the wells and performing immunologic and microscopic confirmation tests.
72592 Mycoplasma System Plus MYCOPLASMA SYSTEM Plus is a 24-well system containing desiccated biochemical and antibiotic substrates for the detection, susceptibility test and semi-quantitative determination of urogenital mycoplasmas. The system is inoculated with the suspension of the clinical sample and incubated at 36 ± 1 °C for 18-24 hours. The tests used in the detection, count and susceptibility test are interpreted by evaluating the color of the various wells and performing a microscope examination.
72593 Mycoplasma System VET Mycoplasma System VET is a 24-well system containing desiccated biochemical and antibiotic substrates for the detection, semi-quantitative count and susceptibility testing of Mycoplasma spp that hydrolyze arginine and
Ureaplasma spp.
71679 Pathogenic System PATHOGENIC SYSTEM is a 18 wells system containing desiccated biochemical substrata for the detection and presumptive identification of pathogenic microorganisms and dermathophytes from pharyngeal, cutaneous, auricular and ophthalmic swabs, expectorate, exudate from abscess and injury, and other clinical specimens. The system is directly inoculated with the suspension of the clinical specimen and incubated at 36 ± 1 °C for 18-24 hours. The tests for the detection and identification of microorganisms present in the specimen are interpreted by evaluating the color change in the wells and performing immunologic and microscopic confirmation tests.
71681 Pathogenic System AST PATHOGENIC SYSTEM AST is a 32-well system containing desiccated biochemical and antibiotic substrates for the detection, identification and susceptibility testing of pathogenic microorganisms from pharyngeal, cutaneous, auricular and ophthalmic swabs, expectorate, exudates and other clinical specimens. The system is directly inoculated with the suspension of the clinical specimen and incubated at 36±1°C for 18-24 hours. The tests are interpreted by assessing the colour change of the various wells and performing immunoserological and microscope confirmation tests.
74161 Urin System Chrom Urin System Chrom is a 32-wells system containing desiccated biochemical, chromogenic and antibiotic substrates for microbial count, identification and susceptibility testing of microorganisms from urine specimens. The system is inoculated with a dilution of urine after the presence of microorganism has been ascertained by
microscope examination of urinary sediment and incubated at 36±1°C for 18-24 hours. The tests results are interpreted by assessing the color change in the various wells.
74160 Urin System Plus URIN SYSTEM Plus is a 24-well system containing desiccated biochemical and antibiotic substrates for microbial count, identification and susceptibility testing directly from urine specimens. The system is inoculated with a dilution of urine after the presence of microorganisms has been ascertained by microscope examination of the urinary sediment, and incubated at 36±1 °C for 18-24 hours. The tests results are interpreted by assessing the color change in the various wells.
71714 Integral System ENTEROBACTERIA INTEGRAL SYSTEM ENTEROBATTERI is a 24-well system containing desiccated biochemical and antibiotic substrates for the biochemical identification and susceptibility testing of enterobacteria. The systyem is inoculated with the bacterial suspension of the micro-organism under examination and incubated at 36 °C ± 1°C for 18-24 hours. The tests for identification and for the susceptibility testing are interpreted by
assessing the change in colour of the various wells.
71724 Integral System GARDNERELLA INTEGRAL SYSTEM GARDNERELLA is an 18-wells system containing culture media with desiccated biochemical substrates for identification and susceptibility testing of Gardnerella vaginalis. The system is inoculated with the bacterial suspension and incubated at 36 °C ± 1°C for 18-24 hours. Tests for identification and susceptibility testing of Gardnerella vaginalis are interpreted by assessing the change in colour of the various wells.
71718 Integral System STAPHYLOCOCCI INTEGRAL SYSTEM STAPHYLOCOCCI is a 24-well system containing desiccated biochemical and antibiotic substrates for the identification and susceptibility testing of Staphylococci. The system is inoculated with the bacterial suspension of the micro-organism under examination and incubated at 36 °C ± 1°C for 18-24 hours. The tests for identification and for the susceptibility testing are interpreted by assessing the change in colour of
the various wells.
71822 Integral System YEASTS Plus INTEGRAL SYSTEM YEASTS Plus is a 24 wells system containing biochemical substrata and dried antimycotics for the identification of the most clinically important yeasts and sensitivity evaluation to antimycotics. The system is inoculated with the cell suspension and incubated at 36 ± 1°C for 48 hours.
76031 SensiQuattro Gram-negative EU SensiQuattro Gram-negative is a 40-well plate containing 9 dried antibiotics in four two-fold dilutions and 1 antibiotic in three two-fold dilutions. The system allows to perform the antibiogram with evaluation of the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), for gram-negative bacteria towards antibiotic agents establishing the sensitivity of the microorganism according to the EUCAST (European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility testing) or CLSI (Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute) interpretative criteria.
76032 SensiQuattro Gram-positive EU SensiQuattro Gram-positive is a 40-well plate containing 9 dried antibiotics in four two-fold dilutions and 1 antibiotic in three two-fold dilutions. The system allows to perform the antibiogram with evaluation of the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), for gram-positive bacteria towards antibiotic agents establishing the sensitivity of the microorganism according to the EUCAST (European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility testing) or CLSI (Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute) interpretative criteria.
76033 SensiQuattro Candida EU SensiQuattro Candida EU is a 32-well panel containing 8 desiccated antimycotics at four serial concentrations by doubling. SensiQuattro Candida EU allows to test the susceptibility of Candida spp. to antimycotic agents. The results when correlated with EUCAST (The European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing) breakpoints permit accurate determination of the microorganism as Sensitive (S) or Resistant (R) to antimycotics.
76010 SensiTest Gram-negative Sensi Test gram-negative is a 24-well system containing desiccated antibiotics for the susceptibility testing of gram-negative bacteria and enterococci. The system is inoculated with the bacterial suspension of the microorganism under examination and incubated at 36°C ± 1°C for 18-24 hours. The susceptibility testing is interpreted by assessing the change in colour of the various wells in the system, and the strain of bacteria is defined as Sensitive (S), Intermediate (I) or Resistant (R).
76020 SensiTest Gram-positive Sensi Test gram-positive is a 24-well system containing desiccated antibiotics for the susceptibility testing of gram-positive bacteria. The system is inoculated with the bacterial suspension of the micro-organism under examination and incubated at 36°C ± 1°C for 18-24 hours. The susceptibility testing is interpreted by assessing the change in colour of the various wells in the system, and the strain of bacteria is defined as Sensitive (S), Intermediate (I) or Resistant (R).
78618 EnteroPluri-Test EnteroPluri-Test is a 12-sector system containing special culture media that permits identification of the Enterobacteriaceae and other gram negative, oxidase negative bacteria. The system allows the simultaneous inoculation of all media present in the sectors and the execution of 15 biochemical reactions. Microorganism is identified evaluating the colour change of the different culture media after 18-24 hours of incubation at 36 ± 1°C and by a code number obtained from biochemical reaction interpretation.
78620 Oxi/Ferm Pluri Test Oxi/FermPluri-Test is a 12-sector system containing special culture media for the identification of the Gram negative, oxidase positive bacteria. The system allows the simultaneous inoculation of all media present in the sectors and the execution of 14 biochemical reactions. Microorganism is identified evaluating the colour change of the different culture media after 48 hours of incubation at 36 ± 1°C and by a code number obtained from biochemical reaction interpretation.
71620 Anaerobe System Anaerobe System is a 24-wells system containing desiccated biochemical substrata for the identification of anaerobes. The system is inoculated with the suspension of the organism to be examined and incubated at 36±1°C for 24-48 hours. The microorganism is identified by assessing the color change in the various wells in order to determine its numerical profile. The complete list of those organisms that is possible to identify with this system is given in the Identification Table at the end of the package insert.
71618 Entero System 18 R ENTEROSYSTEM 18R is a 18-well system containing desiccated biochemical substrata for the identification of Gramnegative, oxidase negative enterobacteria. The system is inoculated with the suspension of the organism to be examined and incubated at 36±1°C for 12-18-24 hours. The microorganism is identified by assessing the colour change of the various wells in order to determine the corresponding numerical code.
71619 Entero System 24R Enterosystem 24R is a 24-well system containing desiccated biochemical substrates for the identification of Gramnegative bacteria that belong to the family of Enterobacteriaceae. The system is inoculated with the suspension of the organism to be examined and incubated in thermostat. The wells are examined for color changes and the resulting pattern of positive and negative reactions determines the numerical profile used for identification. The complete list of those organisms that is possible to identify with this system is provided in the Identification Table at the end of this document.
71640 Listeria System 18 R LISTERIA SYSTEM 18R is a system with 18 wells containing dried biochemical substrates for species identification of Listeria genus isolated from cultures in selective or non selective agar media. The system is inoculated with a suspension of Listeria spp. to be identified and incubated at 36°C±1°C for 18-24 hours. Microrganism is identified through numerical codification obtained by chromatic toning of the several biochemical test.
71630 Staf System 18 R STAF SYSTEM 18R is a 18 wells system containing desiccated biochemical substrata for the identification of Staphylococcus spp. The system is inoculated with the suspension of the microorganism to test and incubated at 36 ± 1 °C for 18-24 hours. The microorganism is identified by evaluating the color change in the different culture media in the wells and by a code number obtained
from biochemical reactions interpretation.
72560 Strepto System 12R STREPTOSYSTEM 12R is a 24-well system containing 12 x 2 desiccated biochemical substrata for the identification of streptococci. Each system allows the performance of two tests and is inoculated with the bacterial suspension of the microorganism to test. Incubation at 36±1°C for 18-24 hours. The microorganism is identified by assessing the color change of the various wells in order to determine the corresponding numerical code.
MID-62CE Microgen® STREP ID For the identification of Streptococci and Enterococci.
MID-64CE Microgen® GN-ID A For the identification of aerobic and facultative anaerobic gram negative bacteria (Enterobacteriaceae and miscellaneous gram negative bacteria).
MID-65CE Microgen® GN-ID B For use as an additional 12 test system for the identification of Miscellaneous Gram negative and oxidase positive bacteria.
MID-67 Microgen® Listeria ID For the identification of Listeria species.
MID-66CE Microgen® Bacillus ID For the identification of mesophilic Bacillus species isolated from food materials and the environment. (Not available for clinical use within the EU).
MID-69CE Microgen® Staph ID For the identification of Staphylococci from clinical and veterinary samples.
RAP01  Microgen® Rap-ID L. mono™ Rapid Confirmation of L. monocytogenes isolated on chromogenic agar plate media.


For inquiry please kindly email to : lisa@prolabios.com